Archives of Jean Robie
Discover here in exclusivity 5 works of the painter, scanned by the company IRIS Software!
If you had the chance to see the exhibition "Jean Robie, painter, writer and his travels in India" at the Charlier Museum in Brussels, you certainly had the opportunity to come across some anecdotes and excerpts from the painter's travels during his adventures in India...
Thanks to the company IRIS, the writings of the painter are now accessible in digital version. We share them with you here...
A man of strong personality, Robie shows himself through his works as in his painting, simple, realistic, fundamentally honest. He observes a landscape, flowers or fruits with as much sympathy and bonhomie as he can consider, for example, a teeming and hectic alley in Ceylon or Jaffa.
Once again, we must remember that Robie has never been to school. Self-taught, he educated himself unaided, sustained only by his powerful and rich personality.
“These brave men of human existence rising from obscurity and becoming the scouts of their fellows, have they not always been the most worthy and deserving of men? (42).
Robie's literary work has three main components: his autobiographical notes, his travelogues and some reflections on art, light, landscape.
Memories and reflections teem with pleasant paintings, with a nourished, ample, original literary eloquence.
Annuaire de l'Académie Royale, 1911
Les débuts d'un peintre
Notes d'un frileux, 1890
Fragment d'un voyage dans l'Inde et à Ceylan, 1883
Tome I : De Bruxelles à Ceylan
Tome II : De Calcutta à Bénarès